Friday, October 01, 2010

Speaking in code

As parents, sometimes we find it necessary to speak in code so the offspring doesn't know what we are talking about.  Pig latin worked great until Jessie figured it out at age 7 and taught the boys how to understand it.  We don't know another legitimate language to speak freely, so we have started talking in code.

Since Christmas is coming and we have a few surprises up our sleeves for the family, we have been talking in code a lot lately.  Sometimes we slip, but thankfully, it's either not heard or no one within ear shot catches our slip.  The Mister and I sound like computer geeks (no offense Grandpa, we really appreciate your computer prowess and expertise) talking about "software, software registration, items to go with the software, those things with round shapes attached, etc."  The older kids are smart enough to figure things out soon, so we can't speak openly around them too much.  Fun stuff though.

Stay tuned for software updates to come.......

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