Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Forty two.

That's how many blog posts are sitting in draft mode here in my little speck of cyber-space.

It's pathetic, I know.

I got behind during a hard time for me last December and never recovered.

The perfectionist in me insisted on adding pictures and getting everything right before I posted all the backlog at once.

I realize that's never gonna happen, but I need to keep it up for me and my family's sake.

I'm trying my best to get caught up.

It will happen slowly but surely instead.

For now, I'm pleased to be posting again.

So is my Mister who hasn't let up!

1 comment:

Lindsy Davigeadono said...

Yea! I am so glad that I get to read your blog updates! You are too cute! So excited! And also hope you have a great time in Tahoe! You guys deserve it!