Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I have a lot running through my head lately and need to vent a little. I'll probably regret it. Oh well.So here's an example of why Valentine's Day, though a nice sentiment, is kind of a trivial and definitely over-commercialized holiday. First, let me say I do have a few fond memories of making special Valentine's for family and friends in elementary school, and making and decorating cool boxes to take to school. It is also nice to plaster happy red hearts around the house in the middle of winter to chase away the blahs. For me, Valentine's Day is a time to think of special friends and family and give them a little something if so inclined. Does it really warrant 3 full aisles at Walmart or Target of candy, stuffed animals, trinkets, Valentine's in any cartoon or TV character, and dollar-store items that get thrown away after a week? We bought the kids Valentines cards to give out to their classmates at school. I'm not sure why. They like making them for much cheaper and they are more meaningful that way. Each kid came home with a cute Valentine holder made in class filled with Valentine's from classmates with the now traditional piece of candy or toy attached...................
They haven't opened them yet and it's been a week. All the junk at the store is overkill, and according to my kids, not that important. They have kept the Valentine's from good friends and the rest is sitting on my dresser collecting dust. Just saying.

My attitude towards sweets has to change. I am a sweet tooth, big time. Whether it be inner conflict induced or from outside things, the first thing I do when stressed out is head for sugar. So apparently I am stressed out lately because I can't stay away from sweets (I'm not getting good sleep either), and now I have a huge cold sore to prove it. I feel stifled by the rain because getting out to pound the pavement is really my only mode of exercise right now. It's frustrating. It also seems like as soon as I get motivated to make an exercise routine I get sick. Aaaahhhhhhhh!

I am feeling so uneasy and conflicted. I think it's God's way of telling me that I need to change some things, my routine, my habits, etc. I am a creature of habit and it's slow going, but I'm working on improving myself.


Jill said...

Camille, I definitely appreciated your post because I feel the same way. Jenna's having a meltdown - I think I need a can of chocolate frosting and a spoon. Jenna's not taking a nap! Where did I "hide" those christmas M&Ms I got on clearance? (Why did I even buy those in the first place?!) And then I hit a point where I feel so... blah. And my eating habits affect me in other ways - I sleep in, don't fix a good dinner, ignore the massive treadmill staring me in the face, etc. How do we change?! Maybe we should start a walking group. Or something... anyway, this is a novel but I wanted to tell you that you are great and have a lot of qualities that I really admire and you're not alone when it comes to feeling uneasy and conflicted!

Sami said...

Too funny.....I'm reading your blog as I eat a box of See's candy...