Thursday, November 02, 2006

ER x2

I took J to the ER for the second time in 3 months. I sure hope this doesn't become a regular thing. J has been sick for 3 weeks. She missed one week of school because she couldn't stop hacking her lungs out. Then back to school last week to catch up on work. Sunday night her fever started and my paranoia set in thinking she would erupt with puke any minute. We had enough puking this last summer- enough already. Thankfully, it never happened, but J was getting more sick. So after a few days of Daddy keeping a close eye on her, a trip to the hospital, chest x-ray and once over by the ER Doc we came home with the same diagnosis Daddy gave her (way to go Dad). She has an ear infection that is finally getting better and a packet of school work to plow through at home. Finally, some mandatory slow days for me and the kids. I'm excited!
Our sweet J. She was so "melted" at the hospital- very quiet and cooperative as long as no needles emerged from the deep, dark corners of the ER. When I told her we needed to go to the Emergency Room she freaked out- still a little traumatized by the stitches incident a few months ago.
Our J is quite the heart breaker already. Daddy might really consider a shotgun when she turns 16. ;) Our entire visit at the ER I kept hearing people talking to each other about how beautiful her eyes were and how well-behaved she was for being sick. Every once in awhile someone would pop their head into the exam area where we were to see "the girl with the beautiful eyes in #14."

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