Friday, May 01, 2009

Typical morning lately

M: Logan would you like some oatmeal or cereal for breakfast?

L: Mmmm..... a meat sandwich!

M: So you want some oatmeal?

L: No, a meat sand-wich!

M: You can have a meat sandwich for lunch. We're having oatmeal if you don't decide.

L: Okay....oatmeal.

M: Do you want cinnamon in it?

L: Gross.

* 5 minutes later when oatmeal has cooled *

M: Mr. Cooper! Here's your oatmeal.

L: Bop (my nickname), I'm NOT eating this oatmeal. (Grrrrrrrrrrr!)

M: Eat your oatmeal. It's got brown sugar in it.

L: I HATE brown sugar!

M: No you don't. That's what cookies are made of.

L: I hate it!

This kid is beyond frustrating with food sometimes. He finally realized the oatmeal on the table was his only breakfast.

1 comment:

Marci said...

Meat Sandwich! I'm going to yell that the next time someone asks me what i want for breakfast...i pity the poor waiter/tress who is on the receiving end. =)