Sunday, December 16, 2007

Here comes Santa.....

We attended our ward Christmas party last night with the kids. After dinner there was a program followed by a visit from Santa. Let's just say we knew Santa very well this year. Jessie, after being too shy to see Santa at Christmas in the Park, did sit on Santa's lap this time. When she came down with her goodie bag from Santa I asked her how it went. She said, "Good! Santa sounded like Grandpa Dave." Dad said, "Hmmmm. I thought I saw Grandpa Dave eating ham back there at the table." They didn't bring it up again, thankfully. On our way home that night we drove around the church parking lot because the kids wanted to see if they could see the reindeer up on the roof. Jessie and Toby decided that Santa and his reindeer move so fast that no one saw them leave.

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