Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Clean room, no more candy

Yesterday was an action-packed and momentous day!

First off, the kids finally learned how to clean their room without Mom or Dads help. I've got bins for every kind of toy, a home for all their books, shoes, clothes, etc, and yet they still draw a blank when faced with the task of putting everything away. It took the little crazies 2 1/2 hours to get going, buy they really did it all by themselves. (Of course, it helped that we were going to see Ratatouille that afternoon IF they finished cleaning up.) They even hung up all the clothes that go in the closet which was a job usually saved for Mom. Now if they would only learn to put their clothes in the right spot after they come off their bodies. All in good time, I suppose.

SO, "Rata-tooty" as Logan calls it was very good. We went to a matinée with a bunch of family and took up an entire long row. I love sitting in movies listening to little kids laugh and giggle. It made the movie that much more fun. Pixar did a fabulous job on Ratatouille. It was a little slow for our 2 year-old but I expected that. Lots of great story and animation that we really enjoyed. Toby turns to me about 3/4 of the way through the movie and says, 'This is so fun!" We don't get to the movies often and the kids really enjoyed it, especially the popcorn and candy part. Candy is something that makes a rare appearance in our house, and I ate WAY too much at the movie. The stabbing headache afterwards told me so.

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