Saturday, March 24, 2007

It's 12:30 PM........and I'm still in my pj's. Somehow it's easier to roll out of bed, get breakfast for the kids and start laundry/ironing/dishes/cleaning while I wake up. Besides I was going to change and work out but that never happened. Before i know it- it's early afternoon and time to put Coop down for a nap. I think I'll work out while he's sleeping.

This week has been so busy that I've been slacking in the exercise department most of the week. I went to one of these seminars Tuesday and Wednesday with Dave's aunt Nadine. It was a great way to get some inside scoop on the current real estate market and how I can get in on the action. I'm struggling lately with going forward with getting my agent license and maybe working part-time vs. enjoying the blessing of not having to work and enjoy my babies at home.

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