Friday, October 22, 2010

Busy is good

 The last two days were so busy I think the most time I spent home during those days were a couple 90 minute stretches.  For the amount of work I'm supposed to be doing in the next week that's not good odds.  I really felt like the stereotypical Mom-taxi all Wednesday and Thursday.  Actually it was more like a personal escort because I walked most of the time.

Wednesdays have turned into back and forth madness to school and such.  Jess has running club early in the morning, then boys to school, then me to Logan's class and home with him, then back to get Jessie since it's an early day, then back to pick up Toby, and finally Jess to and from sewing. 

Thursday was more of the same with Syd and I making two extra trips to the boys school to watch them run in the annual fundraiser.  Add in some plumbing problems at the apartments, juggling that schedule with meeting the plumber, and it made for one hectic day.  

Thank goodness for Fridays!  The pressure is off and I can relax a little bit to concentrate on my list and relaxing with the kids.  Wait, it's really Friday already?  I suppose that's one good reason to be actively engaged.  Time zooms right by.

I know this isn't a record for me, but check out how fast these pictures made it to cyber-space.  This was yesterday folks.  Talk about an update!

Below are all 3 school-aged kids running at the Fall Stampede.  We don't really care about how much money we raise (if any), but how many laps were run.  The kids like to try to outdo their laps ran from last year.  Mr. Cooper ran 14, Toby ran 18, and Jess ran a much longer 20 laps.  There's so much difference in personality between these three.  Logan was just going along with the flow, and was ready to quit half way through.  Toby was out there dancing, hopping and playing for the duration.  I noticed he ran with the same cute girl the whole time, and would speed up every time he came our way.  Jessie is a fierce competitor already, so she took this lap running stuff seriously.  I've learned she just needs a lot of encouragement and support.  There is usually no need to motivate her because she drives herself pretty hard as it is.

In other news, Halloween costumes are coming along slowly, and if I can reproduce what I imagine them to be it will be a great year!  It IS proving harder to do a family theme every Halloween as the chillies get older.  This year was definitely a compromise.  One week left until the big church party.  It's gonna be spooktacular!

1 comment:

Lindsy Davigeadono said...

your family is adorable and you are such an awesome mom! I love reading your blog!!!