Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm pretty obsessive when it comes to protecting us from identity fraud. The #1 thing on my wish list is a cross-cut shredder so I can stop taking all that paperwork to Mom and Dad's house to shred. I have given Dave enough hairy-eyeballs, worried rants and warnings about guarding all our personal info and not throwing any of it in the trash that he basically leaves all the mail for me to take care of. (love you babe) You know those people that call doing a survey and want all your personal info? It makes my day when I can a.) play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" on the phone buttons for them, b.) let my 3 year-old tell them all about Batman fighting naughty Joker or c.) tell them they're stupid if they think I'm going to give them my address, date of birth, etc. and hang up. So now I am going crazy because someone stole our credit card number and bought a bunch of iPhones last Wednesday. I really want to know how this jerk-head got our number and where he lives. The Apple lady couldn't tell us what address they were going to, but it is on our street so we're thinking mail was stolen or delivered there. I hope the police find the idiot waiting for their iPhones that will never come! Needles to say, cards have been canceled, passwords changed, and no more promo mail sent to us from our current accounts.

In equally exciting and more messy news...........Logan is officially potty-training since yesterday. I wasn't ready for this but Dave started up with the big boy pants talk and sword-fighting in the toilet hype so we are full-steam ahead. Everything is going okay- except for the time this morning when I was sitting down nursing Sydney and Coop comes out of the bathroom half-naked trying to wipe poop off his bottom (he hasn't pooped on the toilet yet). I freaked and poor Syd was almost thrown to the couch so I could go contain the mess. The thought of having only one kid in diapers is enough reward to keep running to the potty every 20 minutes until Coop gets it. I hear "I'm starting to pee! I'm starting to pee!" all day long. Good thing we don't have much planned for the week.

Today our little Nee-Nee girl is 3 months old. It has flown by in the blink of an eye. I still haven't captured her cute smile in a picture but this one is sweet. Her eyes are going lighter and I hope they will stay blue. She is also a front runner for the chubbiest cheeks. I tell you if all babies were this easy I could have a couple more. (I know babe, don't give me that look) Last night she slept from 7 PM to 3 AM, woke up for a quick refill of the tummy and slept again until I woke her up at 10 AM. That's basically 15 hours folks. I was getting worried, and frankly, wanted to play with her. She is so sweet and talkative in the morning. I don't think Dave saw her awake but for 10 minutes last night because she was so checked out.

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